Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Investment of Time

Someone was saying to me:  I just have a hard time with meditating.

Me: O.K. What's making it hard?

Someone: I just can't seem to sit there?

Me: What do you mean?  You're having a hard time making time for sitting or actually sitting still?

Someone:  Well, a little of both.  I mean I want to, but there just never seems to be enough time and when I do make the time, my mind goes everywhere and I find it hard to just sit and focus.

Me:  Smiling. Your mind is going everywhere because you have given it the lead. It is leading you, not you leading it. 

Someone: Interesting.

Me: If you think what I've just said is interesting.  Commit to 3 minutes of sitting 2x a day.  Become a watcher of your thoughts and see how interesting they are.  You find your thoughts to be far more interesting.

Meditation is a way of life. It is a commitment to knowing one's self. And it is an investment of time in you that will provide you with more return than your investment. But it does require commitment, consistency, and courage.

Have a magnificent day!

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